Sell dry type arc suppressio coil with adjustable shifts干式消弧线圈 @China (Mainland)

ARC Suppression Coil (ASC)


Single-phase neutral grounding (earthing) reactors (arc suppression coils) are intended to compensate for the capacitive line-to-ground current during a single phase ground-fault.


1.MRD-XHZ micro-computer controller and PK controlling panel.

2.Grounding Transformer

3.Regulated load arc supression coil

4.MRD damping resistor cabinet as well current/voltage transformer.

Operation Conditions


1.Abient Temp. of operation is between -20 centigrade and +40 centigrade

2.Relative humidity of Air is or less than 80%(+20 centigrade)

3.Altitude does not excess 2000m(If excess, pls indicate in order)

4.There is no corrosive gas around the site, so is conductive dust

6.There is no severe shocked movement around the site.

Post by Angela Tong    Electrical Equipment & Supplies    @2012-02-06 15:24:09

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • Contact Person:Angela Tong
  • Company:保定明瑞光电科技有限公司