Global Free Trade Posts

Ring Joint Gasket (Danna

WEALSON Ring joint gaskets are metallic sealing rings suitable for high pressure and high temperature applications and are fitted in ring groove type flanges. They are widely used in the Oil / Petrochemical industry and in valves and pipe...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 10:07:41

Solid Metal Serrated Gasket(Danna

WEALSON serrated gasket is machined from solid metals in a variety of shapes.Serrated gasket are designed for high pressure,high temperature or highly corrosive applications by seiecting the most suitable material and shapes.Serrated...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 10:06:35

Flat Metal Gasket(Danna

WEALSON Flat Metal Gasket be made from solid metal by machining and designed for high pressure,high temperature or highly corrosive applications, Flat metal gasket can be used in pressure vessels, towers, tanks, valve cover and other parts...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 10:05:51

Camprofile Metal Grooved Gasket(Danna

WEALSON Corrugated Gasket is made of machined flat metallic plate with waved or corrugated surface in 90 degree angle.The corrugated gasket with inner and outer rings or composite gasket attached with flexible graphite or teflon sheet are...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 10:05:13

Reinforced Graphite Gasket (Danna

WEALSON Graphite Composite gasket is also called reinforced graphite gasket or high-tensile graphite gasket. It uses graphite tape as filler material,offer superior sealing ability under severe condition. Graphite Gasket is cut from pure...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 10:04:06

Metal Jacket Gasket (Danna

WEALSON Metal jacket gaskets consist of a soft filler encapsulated in metallic material. The filler material provides the gasket with compressibility and resilience while the jacket confers compressive strength and blow out resistance....

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 10:03:04

Spiral Wound Gasket (Danna

Available in a full range of styles and materials, WEALSON spiral wound gaskets can be used in all industry flanges,According to the need of the mating flange, the gasket is provided with an outer ring, an inner ring or both outer and...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 10:01:19

Flexible Graphite Ring (Danna

WEALSON Flexible Graphite Ring,by pure flexible graphite through molded made lined metals, reinforced material stainless steel foil, net. To prevent the fill material has been slow oxidation, with stainless steel cap design is necessary....

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 10:00:23

Pure Graphite Gasket (Danna

WEALSON graphite gasket is formed by cutting or punching all kinds of reinforced graphite sheets.It is mainly used for sealing of langes,observation holes,covers,fluviographs,etc. which are at the position in corrosive media and high or...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 09:59:16

PTFE Coated Gasket (Danna

WEALSON PTFE Envelope/coating Gasket PTFE Envelope gasket consists of asbestos,non-asbestos,rubber etc.cushion material having exposed surface covered with PTFE envelope.Depends on excellent corrosion resistance and compession resilient....

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 09:57:57

PTFE gasket (Danna

WEALSON PTFE gaskets are excellent in applications involving solvents,corrosive chemicals and high temperatures. There are different types of PTFE gaskets for each particular sealing application: ring, full face, flange and envelope...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 09:56:34

Non-asbestos gasket ( Danna

WEALSON Non-asbestos gasket are made of special sealing materials of synthetic fiber with macromolecular, which are mixed with special inorganic minerals packing to resistant high temperature.Non-asbestos Gasket are widely used in the...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 09:55:41

Compressed Asbestos Fiber Gasket (CAF Gasket) Danna

WEALSON CAF/Asbestos Gaskets are die cut or circle cut from compressed asbestos fibre/non asbestos jointings which are manufactured from carefully selected chrysolite fibre intimately blended with suitable heat resistant binders etc. and...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 09:54:48

Rubber Gasket ( Danna

WEALSON rubber gasket is cut from NBR,SBR,CR,EPDM.Some rubber gasket have resistance of oil,Some rubber gasket is used in cold fever,Some rubber gasket has anti-aging properties.There are various shapes of rubber gaske.Rubber gaskets are...

Post by Danna Zhao [Hardware] @2011-08-12 09:53:50

PTFE Sheet

WEALSON PTFE Sheet is officially in the record book as having the lowest co-efficient of friction of any soild material and is extremely effective operating at very high and very low temperatures. It has fantastic chemical resistance and...

Post by Danna Zhao [Minerals & Metallurgy] @2011-08-12 09:52:33

Asbestos Rubber Joint Sheet

WEALSON Asbestos Rubber Sheet is made of excellent asbestos, rubber and other chemical materials.formed by rolling after special mix-ture treatment.the sizes not larger than 0.4~6.0mm can be is mainly for such media as water...

Post by Danna Zhao [Minerals & Metallurgy] @2011-08-12 09:50:52

Non-asbestos Rubber Joint Sheet Danna

WEALSON Non-asbestos rubber sheet is manufactured from Kevlar fiber, with oil-resistant rubber filler and compressed into sheets, these materials are suitable for use as an oil-resistant jointing medium for heat installations and engine...

Post by Danna Zhao [Minerals & Metallurgy] @2011-08-12 09:50:11

Reinforced Graghite Sheet ( Danna )

WEALSON Reinforced Flexible Graphite Sheets is formed by mechanically pressed or perforated flexible graphite sheets with one or two layer(s) of metal foil. It possesses good compressibility and elastic rate, good sealing property for...

Post by Danna Zhao [Minerals & Metallurgy] @2011-08-12 09:49:08

Flexible Graghite Sheet ( Danna

WEALSON graphite sheet,laminated industrial grade flexible graphite sheets,adhesive bond. To make packing by punching, reinforced sheets and cylinder gaskets; To make gaskets of static sealing, such as: level gages, crystallizes and...

Post by Danna Zhao [Minerals & Metallurgy] @2011-08-12 09:46:45

Flexible Graphite Tape Ms.Danna Zhao

WEALSON Flexible Graphite Tape was cutted from flexible graphite rolls.Flexible Graphite Tape is suitable for use as filler for spiral wound gasket,In-situ pump and valve gland packing,Manufacture of graphite packing rings,Facing material...

Post by Danna Zhao [Minerals & Metallurgy] @2011-08-12 09:45:41