IPM is a hi-tech engineering manufactucompany in Germany and Asia, with a team of highly skilled engineers and competent partners in Germany and China, develops, design, tailor made, manufacture, install, commission micro electrostatic cluster or laser perforation systems machines for paper webs or other material treatment. As well with sophisticated, intelligent online sensor scanner porosity control equipment for global sales, potential clients as ready-to-use projects. Strong hands-on engineering, demanding time at clients side, qualification, training, technology transfer for maintenance operation personnel quality quantity control are an essential part of our services for prosperous long-term cooperation with global clients. The founder of IPM, Mr. Werner Grosse working since 1979 as engineer, project, operation manager, technical director for electrostatic and laser processes as well in porosity sensor scanner measuring for tobacco, cigarette, fine paper, packaging refinement industries. During his career and collaboration in research assignments he initiated 46 inventions and 34 patents, outside of EEC and China. Thanks patent granted production processes, new generations of refinement procedures, products properties, unique characteristics, application fields, online quality measurement, control systems has been developed. It includes world wide new in-situ dyne non-contact measurement at fast moving plastic films foils.As self-employer and entrepreneur in 1992, the GmbH was established in 1993 with expansion of micro electrostatic perforation for filter, cigarette, tipping, flexible packaging, printing, bag, food, non-wovens and paper refinement. Since 1994 the GmbH belong to an international supplier group. After many years of prosperous cooperation as shareholder managing director, Mr. Grosse left the GmbH 12/2001 in order to enhance innovations with his own engineering company IPM in January 2002 to design production machines with outstanding product characteristics in cooperation with large clients in Asia, USA, South America. Apart from this business, he has joined organizations with innovative, creative, patent, educational exchanging of technical, economical knowledge. He has given many lectures, published a great number of technical papers and engineering reports in German, English, Spanish, Mandarin, French and Italian. He received government honors from China and other countries for his expertise as foreign entrepreneur for added value of innovative hi-tech production technology.IPM with Mr. Werner Grosse as Director and his engineer team operates as technology experts, project management in tobacco, cigarette supplier, paper, converting, packaging, printing, material treatment, automotive, robotic, handling industry.In mechanical, electrical engineering, manufacturing, delivery of entire perforation electronics and spare part guarantees IPM cooperating since many years with German key suppliers which manage all commercial details and goods deliveries independently. IPM is searching for partnerships in micromachining, material processing, treatment, production for unique product characteristics. These may rewind, printing, machine manufacture, force measurement, power electronics, high automation, mechanical electrical engineering, drive, switching units, textile, flexible packaging or process companies.In tight cooperation with Chinese manufactures we offer complete machine, production line solutions with electrostatic, laser micro cluster perforation or other sophisticated material treatment. International quantity and quality levels for Asia prices. Includes technology partners in Thailand.Preferable China, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, Columbia, Argentina, Thailand, Asean, Mercosur, Banco-del-Sur. Starting capital or financial support is not required, but a functioning fair partnership.Information by email.
Company Name:
IPM International Perforation Management
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Agent, Other
Product/Service(We Sell):
Product/Service(We Buy):
micro, perforation, tipping, cigarette, paper, laser, packaging
Number of Employees:
Less than 5 People
Company Website URL: