World Letter, is a software product designed to help with writing business letters and includes ready made templates for letters World Letter, is a software product designed to help with writing business letters and includes ready made templates for letters, paragraphs and statem
Increase the efficiency of employees Reduce the use of computers for personal needs Plan the amount of time and human resources more precisely Reduce the use of computers for personal needs Increase the efficiency of employees Work Examiner Professional will allow you to In large
Type Book Type Book It converges latest technology and your administrative process to manage work process within the hospital MuMMy Medisoft an integrated new generation Hospital Management Software which converges latest technology and your administrative process to manage work
WorkPlace is a powerful and flexible work management system that enables and supports your work processes Time sheets, expenses, materials, trip sheets, and special equipment used are integrated into a flexible work order. Billing and profitability are then automatically calculat
M-PESA is a Safaricom service allowing you to transfer money using a mobile phone. Kenya is the first country in the world M-PESA is a Safaricom service allowing you to transfer money using a mobile phone. Kenya is the first country in the world to use this service, which is offe
New software specifically developed for Transcend's Digital MP3 Player. The Music Player Firmware Update Tool is an advanced new software application specifically developed for Transcend? Digital Music Players. If your music player is not working properly, in most cases it can be
Doing waveform generation is a very simple process. A preset wave can be selected and its parameters Doing waveform generation is a very simple process. A preset wave can be selected and its parameters specified, or it can be loaded from disk. The software will give a preview of
In todays rapidly changing environment, organizations are implementing records management solutions In todays rapidly changing environment, organizations are implementing records management solutions to manage information, support risk management initiatives and ensure compliance
We designed Key Survey multi-user solution to meet the administration challenges We designed Key Survey multi-user solution to meet the administration challenges of the large enterprise while retaining its renowned user-friendly interface. In addition, Key Survey delivers the pow
Alignment Software Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright ? 2007 PURICOM ENTERPRISE Last modified 06/19/09 Signal Processing Vibration Fundamentals Vibration Calculations 1 Vibration Calculations 2 Mechanics of Materials & Structures Physical Prope
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Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server CPS works as the provisioning node for a number of services CPS (Community Provisioning System) CPS works as the provisioning node for a number of services which manage the subscriptions of customers in communities to have value a
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server (Software controlled Hardware Lock for Access Security) Benefits Features (Software controlled Hardware Lock for Access Security) Apollo - Software controlled Hard Lock Connector for Access Security offers state-of-the-art securit
Safe Rider Fleet Manager is an advanced, modern, reliable vehicle and fleet management system
HVAC-CALC is an Interactive software developed exclusively to prepare Heatload Calculation for type of building prepared HVAC-CALC is an Interactive software developed exclusively to prepare Heatload Calculation for various type of building prepared through AutoCAD with given inp
Weighing Weighing weighbridge, weighbridge software, online weighment system, weighbridge automation, Weighing, Scales Weighing Compound Mode Integrated System Place of Origin Delhi India Model Number weighbridge Brand Name weighbridge Type ERP Weighing Weighing weighbridge, weig
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Monitor server wait categories Monitor IO activity Check your current Cache Hits ratio This tool is agent-less (without a server component, nothing is installed on a server) and FREE. Four graphs (check the ) plus graphical repres
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server PHP Application Framework These four elements interact with one another to establish a data-flow that is initiated by HTTP request from a client browser. The data-flow successfully completes its life-cycle with the receipt of HTTP
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server For those seeking solid value investments, Intelligent Systems is a long term player We also have investments in several non-majority owned companies in promising or related areas. CoreCard Software - software for managing account
Face2Face - remote KYC The information collected is of a very high quality since all fields are pre checked on the client before submission. You no longer need a room full of data capturers Reduced Fraud and increased KYC compliance. Due to the brilliant quality of the images you