MoistTech's Model 838 Sensor

Versatile, Compact & Rugged MoistTech's Model 838 Sensor series is the latest in Near Infrared (NIR) technology Model 838 - MoistTech's Model 838 Sensor Versatile, Compact & Rugged MoistTech's Model 838 Sensor series is the latest in Near Infrared (NIR) technology and is designed


photo sensor

Payment Terms T/T photo sensor ,photoelectric sensor,proximity switch,color mark sensor,safty curtain


SLL 1720 B Ceiling MountSensor

ModelNumber SLL 1720 B ModelNumber SLL 1720 B SLL 1720 B Ceiling Mount Sensor

Multitasking Inductor Electronic Co, LTD   

Advanced Torque Transducer

Serial No. JCZ/ JCZL/ JCZG Series Serial No. JCZ/ JCZL/ JCZG SeriesAdvanced Torque Transducer comprises into 2 parts. This transducer mainly measures different mechanical rotational torque, speed and power. The Advanced Torque Transducer can be widely used in different industrial

XiangYi (Hong Kong) Power Testing Instrument Co., Ltd.   

Temperature Sensor

Temperature Sensor Function Characteristic The Temperature sensor has a NTC(Nagative Temperature Coefficient) sensing element, which send oil , air , coolant , fuel temperature information to ECU (engine control unit) as mounting. Temperature information is application data for c


Ambient Ozone Sensors

Ambient Ozone Sensors Ambient Ozone Sensors

Ozone Safe Food Technologies, Inc.   

PS-201 Motion Sensor

Activates the Swing Door Opener automatically. Activates the Swing Door Opener automatically. Motion detecting range 72 degree arc, 7 feet. Ideal for the physically challenged, the elderly and individuals with mobility limitations. Easy to install. Employs Skylink's rolling code

Capital Prospect Ltd.   

1 Channel Intelligent Encoder

In Stock Soon OUR PRICE $ 2200.00 TRK10 Easy set up minimal maintenance Features 1 ethernet port, 1 alarm input and 1 alarm output Power over Ethernet Interface or 12v DC input In Stock SoonOUR PRICE $ 2200.00 TRK10


Motion sensor(TMS100)

Motion sensor(TMS100) TMS100 is a X-band Doppler sensor transceiver module for motion detection.

Teltron, Inc   


ModelNumber P201.014 ModelNumber P201.014 One regulated dc power supplies, 0-10 volts, one glass encapsulated thermistor mounted in electrically heated oven, glass thermo One regulated dc power supplies, 0-10 volts, one glass encapsulated thermistor mounted in electrically heated

Anatomical & Educational Scientific Instruments Co.   

Proximity Sensor Kiosk Peripherals

Proximity sensors detect the presence of kiosk users, and can thus serve two important purposes when integrated into a kiosk Proximity sensors detect the presence of kiosk users, and can thus serve two important purposes when integrated into a kiosk. First, they can detect an app

Rivalogic Technologies Pvt. Ltd.   

Alternator Regulator Temperature Sensor

Alternator Regulator Temperature Sensor Alternator Regulator Temperature Sensor In Stock. Delivery Period 3 Day(s)

Solar Inverters Pty Ltd   

Gripper limit sensor

HS CODE 91 Vision semicon supplies this sensor of Sensor board of K&S 2920 work holder instead of your purchasing whole new Sensor board

Visionsemicon Co.,Ltd.   

Santest Leinear Sensor

Santest Leinear Sensor HS CODE 91 GycRP probe can obtain analogue output by combination with GYFC or GYTLC-08 controller. It is a series of various changes that can top performance. And, by use of differential type (RS-422) in signal transfer between probe and controller, it enha

Dae Young Tech Win Co., Ltd.   

Redfish Glass Axial Leaded PTC Thermistor1000

Redfish Glass Axial Leaded PTC Thermistor 1000 R25C= 1000 ohms PTC= 25/50e0.7%/CTHERMAL TIME CONSTANT 60 SECONDS MAX OPERATING TEMPERATURE -50

Redfish Sensors   

High Sensorable Photo-Electronic Safety Device for Machine (N-type)

Trans-receive Type Device for Mchine (20mm Series) Trns. Rcvr. MODEL L SK - 904N 175 SK - 906N 255 SK - 908N 335 SK - 910N 415 SK - 912N 495 SK - 914N 575 SK - 916N 655 SK - 918N 735 MODEL L SK - 904N 160 SK - 906N 240 SK - 908N 320 SK - 910N 400 SK - 912N 480 SK - 914N 560 SK -

Sun Kwang Electronic Co.