Decorative surfacing materials for countertops, flooring, furniture, and other applications Primary Products
We sell pop corn machines and bag machines, we have new pop corn machines in stock shortly.
Technical specification - Material Stainless steel (Inox) W800 x L1200 x H800/d0,8mm - Above Price excluding VAT 10% - Selling price 6.500.000 VND - Table surface made of Meca - 04 Neon lights W800 x L1200 x H800/d0,8mm - Material Stainless steel (Inox) Parasite candling table Pr
This is designed for high volume production. It will be manufactured according to the volume.
Panstick 1000 Model Panstick-1000 Has Indexing Mould Turret With 96 Cavities. The Turret Can Be Changed For Different Design Electricals Specifications Motor 5 Hp For Cold Brine Pump Motor 1 Hp For Hot Brine Pump Heater 4 Kw (3ph, 415 V Ac And Netural) Requirement Of M/C Brine
UltraScale-Away Non-Hazardous Descaler The solution to water scale, lime, and rust problems. Put UltraScale-Away to Work...Today ! Make it part of your preventative maintenance program. As effective as acid, yet safe enough to hold in your hands and dispose of through normal plan
You have the optioAnother product series of J4 s r.o. is grain dryers. At present, the company produces Combustion gases of the heating medium are not directly involved in the drying process. Grain dryer NS 8000 is designed for hygienically defect-free drying of products entering
one speed ,two speed or variable speed is available.
the supply of industrial meat processing equipment such as continuous vacuum sausage fillers Equipment, Equipment Accessories and Sundries A further value-add of Crown National to the meat industry is the supply of industrial meat processing equipment such as continuous vacuum sa
This professional semi-auto slicer features a rugged, die-cast metal construction and a professional tilted design. 12.3kg 58 x 48 x 43cm 180w IER-2500 Net weight Dimension Motor power Model Specification This professional semi-auto slicer features a rugged, die-cast metal constr
Processing equipment Cattle processing equipment Pig processing equipment Poultry processing equipment Processing equipment
Mechanization of the process that puts mandarin oranges in the container into selecting machine having done by hands.
HALVA PRESSNG MACHNE (Nickel Chromium Plated Weight Length width Dimensions TECNCAL FEATURES GH10 HALVA PRESSNG MACHNE (Nickel Chromium Plated)