Place of Origin Florida United States Place of Origin Florida United States Multimeters Agilent-HP 3458A The 3458A Multimeter is among the fastest, most flexible andaccurate multimeters offered by HP, and includes such features as 8? digitresolution. DC voltage is from 0.1 V to
- AC RMS values of 6 different voltages (VL1-N, VL2-N, VL3-N, VL1-L2, VL2-L3, VL3-L1) - AC RMS values of 6 different voltages (VL1-N, VL2-N, VL3-N, VL1-L2, VL2-L3, VL3-L1) IEC 62052 Class 2 Standards IEC 61010-1 Weight 320 gm. Panel cut out 90 +1 X 90 +1 mm. Dimensions 96X96X71
Model Number Protek 506 Brand Name Protek Place of Origin Shandong China (Mainland) Model Number Protek 506 Brand Name Protek Place of Origin Shandong China (Mainland) Protek gives customers various range of handheld DMM to select upon requirement. Holster,Temp Probe (TP35,"K"Typ
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Fluke F189 Digital/Analog Multimeter Fluke F189 Digital/Analog Multimeter Product Name Fluke F189 Digital/Analog Multimeter Our Price $590.00 Availability In Stock Product Number F189 Rating Product Detail Extremely fast readings 50,000 counts display 0.025% basic DC accuracy Tru
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the BM116 Performance Clamp-on Multimeter Series the BM116 Performance Clamp-on Multimeter Series Notes per IEC61010-1 2nd Ed. (2001) Measurement Category Measurement Category IV (CAT IV) is for measurements performed at the source of the low-voltage installation. Examples are el
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Fluke 180 Series Digital Multimeter Fluke 180 Series Digital Multimeter