Humidity Controls

Browse by Product Humidity Controls Our humidistats are designed to accurately sense and control the ambient relative Browse by Product Humidity Controls Our humidistats are designed to accurately sense and control the ambient relative Browse by Product Humidity Controls Humidist

DNA Group   

Moisture Control and Measurement

MCM Ltd. and Manalytical Ltd. Moisture Control and Measurement MCM Ltd. and Manalytical Ltd. Moisture Control and Measurement MCM Ltd. and Manalytical Ltd. Moisture Control and Measurement MCM Ltd. Thorpe Arch Trading Estate Wetherly, Yorkshire,UK. Manalytical Ltd, Unit 8, Shipya

SI Analytics Pty Ltd   

Wireless soil moisture thermometer DT-788

Wireless Soil Moisture Monitor with Freeze Alert andIndoor/ Outdoor Thermometer DT-788 Wireless Soil Moisture Monitor with Freeze Alert andIndoor/ Outdoor Thermometer DT-788 . Requires 2pcs AAA batteries . Temperature tolerance +/-1.1 Celsisus (+/-2 Fahrenheit) . Temperature rang

Vee Concept International Ltd   

Optical Chilled Mirror Hygrometer with 1211H-SPP Two Stage Sensor

Optica Chilled Mirror Hygrometer with 1211H-SPP Two Stage Sensor Optica Chilled Mirror Hygrometer with 1211H-SPP Two Stage Sensor Optica Chilled Mirror Hygrometer with 1211H-SPP Two Stage Sensor GE General Easterns Optica series chilled mirror hygrometers offer NIST traceable hum

TesSol, Inc.   

SOIL pH & Moisture Tester

Special Price Of Offered For Bulk Query & Export Query. Special Price Of Offered For Bulk Query & Export Query. SOIL pH & Moisture Tester Range pH 3~8 Moisture 1~8 Model No DM15 These garden tools are wonderful for serious gardeners who want to check the pH level in their garden.

MxRady Lab Solutions Pvt. Ltd.   

Moisture Balances

Moisture Balances Moisture Balances

Guru Scales   

Control Systems

DIGITALRH Controller(Specially designed for Humidity Control only)Features Continuous Digital display of Humidity (% RH). DIGITALRH Controller(Specially designed for Humidity Control only)Features Continuous Digital display of Humidity (% RH). DIGITALRH Controller(Specially desig


RHT-WM Series Relative Humidity Transmitter

The RHT -WM series of humidity and temperature transmitters use a unique and sturdy high perfomance sensor The RHT -WM series of humidity and temperature transmitters use a unique and sturdy high perfomance sensor The RHT -WM series of humidity and temperature transmitters use a

ABUS India   

Digital Hand Held Thermohygrometer Type MH 3330

DescriptionDigital Thermohygrometer is an extremely reliable, accurate and low-cost instrument suitable to calibrate and measur DescriptionDigital Thermohygrometer is an extremely reliable, accurate and low-cost instrument suitable to calibrate and measur DescriptionDigital Therm


Spectrum Technologies TDR Soil Moisture Meter

When precision irrigation decisions count, the Field Scout TDR Series offers growers a tool to eliminate the guesswork. Based on When precision irrigation decisions count, the Field Scout TDR Series offers growers a tool to eliminate the guesswork. Based on When precision irrigat

Nu Tech Intl   

Humidity Meter

Measurement of Relative Humidity (RH),Temperature C F Measurement of Relative Humidity (RH),Temperature C F Dual function display " High precision thin film capacitance sensor. " Data Hold " Memory re-call Maximum, Minimum & average readings. " Humidity Range 10% to 95% R H. " Re

Dynamic Instrumentation   

Digital Moisture Meter

For online monitoring (Portable) / Lab application For online monitoring (Portable) / Lab application Power 230V. AC, 115V, A C. /or 6V, 1.5 A H. Battery with charger. Accessories Sensor holder, Sensor Cable, Flow control with Rota meter. a) -800C - 200C CD P. (0.5-1000 PPM) b)

F-201, Country Park, Opp. Tata Steel Ltd.,   


GR-Series GRO-Series GR-Series GRO-Series


Moisture Analyzer System

Moisture Analyzer System Moisture Analyzer System

Alco Automation Pte Ltd   

Humidity Controller

Payment Terms T/T Theory Hygrometer Usage Industrial Model Number HL Brand Name HUMITROL Place of Origin Maharashtra India Theory Hygrometer Usage Industrial Model Number HL Brand Name HUMITROL Place of Origin Maharashtra India Humidity Controller HUMITROL is a full fledged Humid

Idealin Fogging Systems   

HT800 Portable thermo-hygrometer

HT800 Portable thermo-hygrometer HT800 Portable thermo-hygrometer a. Measuring range Temperature -15 - +60 Humidity 5 - 98% b. Accuracy Temperature

Jauntering International Corp.   

Moisture Meters

Indicating humidity measuring instrument with resistance output. Sturdy construction. Indicating humidity measuring instrument with resistance output. Sturdy construction. Indicating humidity measuring instrument with resistance output. Sturdy construction. The outer parts such a

Digital Telecom Systems, Inc.   


MS-7000 DIGITAL MOISTURE METER MS-7000 DIGITAL MOISTURE METER Measure Moisture content over range 9% to 30%. Microprocessor circuit assures maximum possible accuracy, provides special functions and features. Records maximum and minimum reading with recall. Data hold function to f

Hazari Trading Company   


MOISTURE TESTER Cod A028-02 MOISTURE TESTER Cod A028-02 Section A Cod A028-02, DIGITAL UNIVERSAL CARBIDE METER Standard BS 6576 / AASHTO T217 / ASTM D4944 / UNE 7804 Description Same to mod. A028, but with high precision digital manometer for more accurate readings (0,1%) with pr


1420 Humidity Probe

Accuracy ?% (including hysteresis and drift) Accuracy ?% (including hysteresis and drift) Range 10% to 80% Relative Humidity Accuracy ?% (including hysteresis and drift) Operating Temp. Range -40 to + 60 Typical long term Stability 1% RH per year or better Temperature Dependence