Fiberglass Insect Screen with PVC Coated

Fiberglass screen coated with PVC is the common used screen against insects. Because of the protective coating, it is resistant to UV, not afraid to direct sunlight, wind or rain and can be used in adverse weather conditions. Window or door screens made from fiberglass wire coate

Anticat Pet Screen Company      [2013-12-07 03:24:39 ]

Door Screen

Want to leave your family away from those bother insects? Our company offers door screen, allowing safely open the door to a balcony or terrace, providing the penetration of fresh air while securely protecting against pesky insects. This screen can be placed on the door of any ro

Anticat Pet Screen Company      [2013-12-07 03:24:16 ]

Anti-dust and Anti-pollen Screen

Warms in the spring sun, blooming plants, but if a person is allergic to pollen, this may be it is not a pleasant experience. And so, taking care of our customers, we designed anti dust screen (also called anti-pollen screen) - not only effective protection from pesky insects, bu

Anticat Pet Screen Company      [2013-12-07 03:23:48 ]

Pet Screen

Do you have animals - especially cats and dogs - in home? If yes, you may be worried about their safety. After all, cats like to walk around the window sills, ledges and railings of balconies. Don't worry, our pet screen can keep the windows and balcony door open and ensure your

Anticat Pet Screen Company      [2013-12-07 03:23:19 ]

Steel grating and checkered plate composed bar grating

复合钢格板与热浸镀锌 复合钢格板是在密封面与钢具有一定横跨能力光栅组成花纹板。 在不同厚度的任何类型的钢格板及花纹板复合钢格板形成。 类型JG323/40/100,JG253/30/100和JG323/60/100一般用作基地和格子板3mm厚

HongSheng Steel Grating Factory      [2013-12-05 04:13:23 ]

Special-Shaped Steel Grating for well cover and tree pool cover

钢格板具有特殊形状和特殊用途 宏升钢格板厂是钢格板的最大生产商之一,也是集研发,生产和销售的主要制造商集合。 我们不断提高产品质量和生产规模。 该系列钢格栅包含焊接钢格板,压锁钢格板,插格栅

HongSheng Steel Grating Factory      [2013-12-05 04:12:59 ]

Plug steel bar grating for platform, carbon and stainless steel

插件式平钢格板坚固,美观 插入光栅已广泛应用在国外,是很常见的,而国内刚刚开始,一步一步的推广阶段。 插件式平钢格板坚固,美观,已经有越来越多的客户和工程技术人员的接受和使用。 插入光栅是具

HongSheng Steel Grating Factory      [2013-12-05 04:10:26 ]

Dense steel grating in stainless steel or low carbon steel

密集焊接钢格板,扁钢空间12毫米或20毫米 密集的钢格板焊钢格板的承载扁钢小于25mm的间距。 它主要用于在该场合有光栅的更高的要求。 材质:优质低碳钢丝,不锈钢和合金钢。 规格:扁钢的空间为12mm或20MM,

HongSheng Steel Grating Factory      [2013-12-05 04:06:29 ]

Press locked steel bar grating high strength and serrated surface

Press-locked Steel Bar Grating serrated grating for extra safety Pressure lock bar grating is a kind of high strength grating. It is a product featuring unique combination of uniformity and precision. It has light structure, elegant style, beautiful and natural design and it is m

HongSheng Steel Grating Factory      [2013-12-05 04:04:32 ]

Welded steel grating, stainless steel and mild steel bars grating

Welded Steel Grating used for stair treads and various floor Mild steel - We utilize a high quality mild steel for load bearing bars, which exceeds the strength of ASTM A36, BS4360 Grade 43A and JIS G3101 SS400, KSD3505 SB41. This is particularly beneficial where a floor is subje

HongSheng Steel Grating Factory      [2013-12-05 04:01:17 ]

Stainless steel V wire mesh screens for water well drilling

1) V wire screens are considered the standard of the industry, combining proven performance with durability 2) Low-carbon, galvanized or stainless steel construction 3) Provide optimum well development and access to the aquifer 4) Large open area This allows more water/oil to ent

Oasis Oil Tools Co.,LTD      [2013-12-02 10:52:16 ]

PVC Coated Chicken Wire Weaving Pattern And Sizes

PVC Coated Chicken Wire, 13-75mm mesh, 0.6-1.6mm wire PVC coated chicken wire is woven from galvanized and coated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) green wire. Weaving pattern Straight twist, reverse twist, double-direction twist. Characteristic Our PVC coated chicken wire is woven i

Winner Chicken Wire Factory      [2013-11-30 04:38:26 ]

Stainless steel chicken wire specification and application

Stainless Steel Chicken Wire Stainless steel chicken wire is mainly made of thin and flexible Stainless steel with hexagonal gaps. Wire diameters 1 inch, 2 inch and 1/2 inch. In addition, there are various wire gauges for customers to choose, ranging from 19 gauge (1 mm wire) to

Winner Chicken Wire Factory      [2013-11-30 04:37:59 ]

Galvanized Chicken Wire Sizes and Uses | Winner Chicken Wire

Galvanized chicken wire protects your garden and chicken Galvanized chicken wire is manufactured from hot-dipped galvanized steel wire, and we use heavily galvanized technical to make it more resistant to corrosion and have a longer life. Process includes galvanized after weave a

Winner Chicken Wire Factory      [2013-11-30 04:37:37 ]

Black Vinyl Coated Chicken Wire Fencing, Size and Characters

Black Vinyl Coated Chicken Wire Fencing This black vinyl coated chicken wire fencing, also known as chicken wire fence, will last a long time. 18 or 20 gauge galvanized core wire, weaving into hex netting fence is dipped in a tough, flexible, thick coating of black PVC. The resul

Winner Chicken Wire Factory      [2013-11-30 04:37:18 ]

Chicken Cage, Basket and Other Chicken Mesh Container

用于饲养家禽的安全鸡笼 鸡铁丝网可以制备成鸡筐,鸡笼和其他容器。 材质:镀锌钢丝,不锈钢丝或塑料涂层的金属丝。 鸡肉丝筐主要用于鸡蛋,水果等控股 如果你想自由放养的母鸡你,但不希望他们进入你的

Winner Chicken Wire Factory      [2013-11-30 04:36:07 ]

Chicken wire mesh - galvanized or PVC coated chicken mesh

鸡丝网 - 护栏网鸡和兔 鸡目也被称为六角网,家禽丝,或鸡铁丝网。 鸡目是包含国内和商业鸡,火鸡,鸭,鹅的一个有效的方法。 它也可以是一个很大的威慑食肉动物如狐狸。 对于家禽的相对较小的地区,如后

Winner Chicken Wire Factory      [2013-11-30 04:35:33 ]

Poultry netting, galvanized poultry wire for chicken fencing

Poultry netting is suitable for protecting chicken and birds Poultry netting also named poultry wire is a kind of light chicken wire. It is suitable as the fencing for protecting rabbits, chicken, quail, furry animals and other domestic fowl. It also can be made to cages for bree

Winner Chicken Wire Factory      [2013-11-30 04:34:04 ]

Chicken wire - galvanized or PVC coated for poultry livestock

Galvanized and PVC coated chicken wire in all size Chicken wire is also named poultry netting or hexagonal wire netting. It is commonly used to fence poultry livestock. According to the materials, chicken wire mesh comes in four types galvanized wire chicken mesh, stainless steel

Winner Chicken Wire Factory      [2013-11-30 04:33:33 ]

Chicken wire fence, galvanized or PVC hexagon pattern fence

Galvanized and PVC chicken wire fence Chicken wire fence is a hexagon pattern fence that was traditionally used to keep chickens in their coops. Materials Galvanized wire (galvanized after weave, galvanized before weave, double galvanized), PVC coated wire, and stainless steel wi

Winner Chicken Wire Factory      [2013-11-30 04:31:58 ]