Coil drapery is a kind of light mesh with round woven spirals wire, a flexible fabric with small openings. Applications The coil mesh is an ideal indoor decorative material for hotel and exhibition halls, also for your lovely home. It is widely used for curtains, partitions, ceil
Fadem Architectural Mesh Factory [2013-10-23 03:19:17 ]
Cable mesh is made with braided cable ropes across the metal rods. This structure allows the material to stretch while maintaining the same plane stiffness in the other. The material has unlimited durability, can bear the stress and deformation without damage. Its materials can b
Fadem Architectural Mesh Factory [2013-10-23 03:13:06 ]
Crimped wire mesh Material carbon steel wire, high Mn steel wire, stainless steel wire Type of weaving crimped before weave, double-direction separate, ripples flections, tight lock flections, flattop flections, double-direction flections, list-direction separate ripples flection
Hebei Wanlai Import&Export Co.,Ltd [2013-10-18 10:39:25 ]
六角金属不锈钢牌号T304,T316,T310,T330以及所有的标准等级。 我们生产各类耐火锚。 我们可以为您提供难治锚衬砌,以适应任何深度。 我们的耐火锚选择包括螺栓,V型夹,C-剪辑,杂件。 耐火锚产品列表如下
Granden Hex Steel Company [2013-10-17 03:37:17 ]
高温炮弹净孔或屏幕像一只乌龟,所以称为龟甲网,龟甲网,龟甲网,龟网壳。 “六角形状像,用于石化,电力和水泥行业,石油电线六角金属六角栅金属命名。 大泥爪龟甲网,它被广泛用作耐热材料内衬固定
Granden Hex Steel Company [2013-10-17 03:35:00 ]
六角金属耐火炉衬是一个六角形的蜂窝网状格栅,专为加强衬里和地板。 它充当一个表面框架,以保持水泥或难治性位置,并减轻压力衬里的上部地壳,防止剥落和开裂。 因的六角金属的强度和独特的设计,磨
Granden Hex Steel Company [2013-10-17 03:20:40 ]
金属六角格也被称为六角金属,金属光栅十六进制,十六进制的钢丝网,钢格栅六角或六角钢格。 金属六角电网提供加强耐火衬里或混凝土材料的表面框架。 它们是由铆接相互连接形成六角孔的压条。 六角金属
Granden Hex Steel Company [2013-10-17 03:19:32 ]
Rebar Support is known as rebar support chair, metal horse stool, rebar support chair, post-tension chair and reinforcing steel bar stool. They may be used to support horizontal reinforcing steel, wire mesh or post tension cable. Materials low carbon steel (Q235), medium carbon s
Mesh strengthening concrete factory [2013-10-15 02:37:23 ]
Pipe-Line Reinforced Mesh is Pipe-line Reinforced welded wire mesh. It is mainly used for concrete weight coated subsea pipelines. Specifications of pipe-line reinforced Material Low Carbon Steel wire. Wire Gauge 1.8mm. Hole 12*25. Surface Galvanized. The material of pipe-Line re
Mesh strengthening concrete factory [2013-10-15 02:36:39 ]
Ladder Mesh Reinforcement is innovative product for the building industry. The welding spots of Ladder Mesh Reinforcement warp wire and weft wire are on the same surface. It is widely used for reinforcing wall. And it can reduce cracking, increase lateral flexural strength, incre
Mesh strengthening concrete factory [2013-10-15 02:36:21 ]
Continuous High Chair with Plastic tip provides support for upper slab steel from slab form. It Height is from 2\" to 15\" in 5\'-0\" lengths. Legs are spaced 7-1/2\" on centers. It is available in bright basic, plastic-protected, galvanized, and epoxy-coated and stainless steel.
Mesh strengthening concrete factory [2013-10-15 02:35:56 ]
Hexagonal Wire Mesh is also named chicken wire, chicken mesh, chicken wire mesh, chicken netting and poultry mesh. Surface Treatmeat weaving after electrical galvanized, weaving after hot-dip galvanized, weaving before hot-dip galvanized (3” and 4” can not be do as weaving be
河北艾凝进出口贸易公司 [2013-10-15 02:35:20 ]
Concrete Slab Mesh is Reinforced welded wire mesh panels. This reinforced welded wire mesh panels are made of galvanized welded wire mesh for constructional uses. For example, block slab structure reinforcing, and hollowed slabs reinforcement, building wall reinforcement and supp
Mesh strengthening concrete factory [2013-10-15 02:35:16 ]
增强混凝土板网电焊网片。 这钢筋电焊网片,镀锌电焊网片用于建筑用途。 例如,块板结构加固,镂空楼板加固,建筑墙体加固和支持墙体加固。 它具有连续长度水平缝砂浆砌筑墙嵌入到联合加固。 联合加固早
Mesh strengthening concrete factory [2013-10-15 02:34:29 ]
钢筋网焊接丝织物,预制钢筋材料。 它有一个长方形或正方形的钢筋网的网格模式和生产的平板。 钢筋网片通常6米长x宽2.4米标准。 卓越的品质混凝土钢筋网电焊网片平坦表面,结构牢固。 该电焊网片提供平坦
Mesh strengthening concrete factory [2013-10-15 02:34:09 ]
砖墙钢筋网,电焊网片钢筋混凝土建筑。 它是用在建筑物的表面,墙壁,地面,桥梁,银行,机场。 与它的特征是,在同一表面上的经丝和纬丝的焊点。 丝径2.5-6.0毫米 宽度:5厘米,27厘米的 长度:3毫米。 间
Mesh strengthening concrete factory [2013-10-15 02:33:39 ]
Beam Bolster is used to support lower beam steel from the slab form. All legs spaced 2-1/2" on centers. It is available in 3/4" to 5" heights in 5'-0" lengths. Beam Bolster Upper Beam Bolster upper is used to support successive layers of steel one above the other. Legs spaced 2-1
Mesh strengthening concrete factory [2013-10-15 02:33:03 ]
Metal Perforated Plate Corrugated Packing is made from perforated plate with channel corrugation on surface, and remains structure feature of metal wire gauze packing. It strengthens uniform liquid distribution and surface wetting ability, which increases mass transfer efficiency
Pansco Structured Packing Products, Inc. [2013-10-12 08:32:58 ]
Laboratory Structured Packing is used in Small Laboratory columns ranging from 50 to and 80 mm in diameter Where a high number of theoretical stages is required with low liquid loading Preliminary appraisal of pilot plant columns Some special features of this product are Vacuum o
Pansco Structured Packing Products, Inc. [2013-10-12 08:31:57 ]
针织规整填料适合应用要求,分离效率高,更低的压降。 盘根是由多股细金属丝编织在一起的筒状的图案,然后卷曲,盘绕或层状提供一种三维结构的峰和谷。 的多股细金属丝提供了较高的比表面积的下降的液
Pansco Structured Packing Products, Inc. [2013-10-12 08:21:50 ]