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Pomace Olive Oil

Processing Type Virgin Grade Extra Virgin Category Fruit Oil Type Olive Oil Processing Type Virgin Grade Extra Virgin Category Fruit Oil Type Olive Oil Pomace olive oil is made from the rinds, stems, seeds, and skins of the olives Pomace olive oil is made from the rinds, stems, s

Westin, Inc., Mario Olive Div.   

Palm Kernel Oil

Processing Type Crude Type Palm Oil Category Wood Oil Processing Type Crude Type Palm Oil Category Wood Oil Univanich is Thailand's leading producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel Oil (PKO). Univanich is Thailand's leading producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel

Univanich Palm Oil Public Company Ltd   

Garlic Oil

Category Other Category Other Garlic has been used since time immemorial as a culinary spice and medicinal herb. Garlic OilBotanical name Allium sativum Garlic has been used since time immemorial as a culinary spice and medicinal herb. Garlic has been cultivated in the Middle Eas


Tower Filtered Groundnut Oil

Category Other Category Other extracted from high quality ground nuts, Tower Filtered Groundnut Oil, extracted from high quality ground nuts, is processed to perfection using the state-of-the-art technology in an integrarted and highly hygienic processing facility. It is high in

Liberty Oil Mills Ltd   

grape seed oil

Brand Name anteres Place of Origin Turkey Category Other Brand Name anteres Place of Origin Turkey Category Other packaging 200kg metal gallons. 00905323352005 for more information please contact us specific gravity 20C(g/ml) min.0,918,max.0,925 saponification valve(mg/KOH/g) min


Olive Oil

Volume Per Package 5-10 litre Type 100% Pure Olive Oil Packaging Plastic Container Grade Pure Olive Oil Category Fruit Oil Type Olive Oil Volume Per Package 5-10 litre Type 100% Pure Olive Oil Packaging Plastic Container Grade Pure Olive Oil Category Fruit Oil Type Olive Oil Oliv


Aroma oils

Category Other Category Other Every kinds of Aroma oils


Naturals Clear Penetrating Oil

Category Other Category Other AFM Naturals Clear Penetrating Oil AFM Naturals Clear Penetrating Oil is an organic plant-based premium penetrating oil for new and old unfinished woods. Excellent on wood fencing, timberwork, furniture, decking, paneling and trim, it rejuvenates, we

American Formulating and Manufacturing   

Virgin Coconut Oil

Processing Type Virgin Category Fruit Oil Type Coconut Oil Processing Type Virgin Category Fruit Oil Type Coconut Oil Virgin Coconut Oil Product Item Product Size SRP VCO Fresh 500ml 250.00 VCO Fresh 250ml 150.00 VCO Fresh 150ml 90.00 VCO Fresh 60ml 55.00 Centrifuged VCO 1000ml 3

VCO Fresh and AG Nutriceuticals   

Vegetable Oil

Category Other Category Other Vegetable fats and oils are substances derived from plants that are composed of triglycerides.

Ocalwa (Hong Kong) Company Limited.   

Ekiz Virgin Olive Oil

Processing Type Virgin Grade Virgin Category Fruit Oil Type Olive Oil Processing Type Virgin Grade Virgin Category Fruit Oil Type Olive Oil The rate of oleic acid type fatty acids maximum 2.0%. Naturel Olive Oil that is process on natural warmth hygenical conditions that do not c

EKiZ Olive Oil   

CG butter oil substitute (for vegetarian)

Category Other Category Other Tin 16kg Carton 16kg For various breads, cookies, cakes, Chinese cakes, topping, filling, melon skin etc.

Chang Guann Co., Ltd.   

Palm Olein

Packaging Drum Type Palm Oil Category Wood Oil Packaging Drum Type Palm Oil Category Wood Oil 190KG/DRUM | 98 DRUMS / 20' FCL Palm Olein 190KG/DRUM | 98 DRUMS / 20' FCL

Chia Khim Lee Food industries Pte Ltd   

Spice oils

Category Other Category Other Spice oils are the volatile components present in most spices Spice oils are the volatile components present in most spices and provide the characteristic aroma of the spices. Spice oil is normally extracted by steam distillation. Spice oils have the

S.G.S. Group   

Coriander Seed Oil

Category Other Category Other SPICE & HERBAL OILS



Category Nut & Seed Oil Type Rapeseed Oil Category Nut & Seed Oil Type Rapeseed Oil The world's leading new heart-care oil WHAT IS CANOLA? The Canola plant belongs to a family of plants called crucifers. All crucifers have 4 yellow petals in the shape of a cross. The yellow flowe

Dalmia Continental Pvt Ltd   

Cumin Seed oil

Category Other Category Other Cumin Seed oil India is largest producer and consumer of cumin in the world. It contributes about 80% of total output. Besides India, cumin seed is cultivated in Iran, Turkey and in Syria mainly for exports.

Nath Seeds Ltd   

Geranium Oil

Category Other Category Other Geranium Oil The essential oils are produced with special techniques of infusion, expression and distillation and are excreted from special glands and pores of the plants. These oils are the best way to look and feel well, to enjoy great health and a


Natural Coconut Oil 03

Category Fruit Oil Type Coconut Oil Category Fruit Oil Type Coconut Oil Mataoi Oil 120ml $14.00 Mataoi is enhanced by the extract of the Mataoi flower (Ylang Ylang). It is excellent for massage (muscle relaxant) and is widely used on the islands by Polynesian beauty salons. Often

Perfume of Rarotonga   

crude palm oil

Type Crude Palm Oil Place of Origin Indonesia Processing Type Crude Type Palm Oil Category Wood Oil Type Crude Palm Oil Place of Origin Indonesia Processing Type Crude Type Palm Oil Category Wood Oil crude palm oil poram spec

Duta Dagang Sdn.Bhd