"Tucson Biofeedback is the only clinic in Tucson Arizona providing Biofeedback Testing for: Allergies, Thyroid Health and VSI Food Sensitivity Testing. We can test to see what is ""silently"" wreaking havoc on your health, life and relationships!
Through our Full Body Biofeedback Scan we can additionally view the health or stress of your organs, systems and glands. Pinpoint nutritional deficiencies and specific supplements or nutrition your body requires. Our Treatments are only found here in Tucson and are highly effective, which is why we have patients fly in from all over to heal for good!
Ever wanted a comprehensive view of your physical, mental and emotional health? Now you have it!
Through our Biofeedback Testing, our Nutritionists and Biofeedback Specialists can write up a plan that will actually work for you!
If you have been suffering from a host of symptoms such as: chronic fatigue, digestive issues, brain fog, weight struggles, hair loss, anxiety, headaches diet and nutrition alone will never fix it! We address the underlying cause NO ONE is talking about which is why our patients achieve the highest outcome every time.
As seen on “The Truth About Cancer” our Biofeedback Treatment Programs are permanent, effective and according to 100’s of our patients “miraculous and life changing!”
How would you like to be free of your health challenges for good?
How would you like to finally know exactly what’s going on with your health and body?
How would you like to replace your anxiety with peace and calm?
Call us today to find out if we may be able to help you!
Advanced Testing, Immediate Results. Achieving the Highest Outcomes for Every Patient through Advanced Technology and Extraordinary Care"". Because You Matter."""