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lens hood
lens cap
projector fisheye lens
wide angle lens
telephoto lens
optical H-K9I&H-F4 achromatic lens/doublets/triplets
Optical LiTaO3(Lithium Tantalate) crystal lens/powder/slice
China Optical 4 inch LiNbO3 crystal lens/wafer for optical waveguide
optical fused silica dia.4.75mm rod lens/cylinder
optical short/long wave pass filter/neutral density filter
optical amici prism/roof prism for optical instrument
optical BK7 JGS1 wedge prism
optical right angle prism/rectangular prism
Quartz optical 24.9mm dove prism with Ar coating
optical plano convex mirror/reflector with metallic coating
optical H-K9I&H-F4 achromatic lens/achromatic doublet/triplets
optical dia.100mm plano-convex spherical lens/magnifier
BK7 optical meniscus cylindrical lens
BK7 optical dome lens/hemisphere dome
optical off-the-shelf dia.1.8mm half ball lens/hemispherical lens
optical dia.11mm Sapphire ball lens/spherical ball lens/half ball lens
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