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Spring Festival is approaching, online custom plastic bags to customers explosive growth, I noticed several features of this period appeared as a plastic bag factory mainly Internet sales staff. (1) more than usual customer inquiry, and now multi-customized user - turnover ratio increases. On weekdays, there are a lot of plastic bags in individual inquiry, intentionally or unintentionally, do not know what type of plastic bags (bag size, plastic bags printed pattern knew nothing), you know to ask "how much money a plastic bag?" or on the "custom bags 2000, 5000, 10000," Let the customer service "were quoted." Such customers do not what purpose, price-sensitive, plastic bag material, printing technology indifferent, seems to find a cheap plastic bag manufacturers to prepare for when you need to be helped myself. Years ago to inquire bags highly general purpose users, for the specifications to be custom-made bags, custom quantities, plastic bags printed pattern gains, he will directly inform the customer of these quotes required parameters, which is a plastic bag factory Customer who save a lot of saliva, to discuss the turnover ratio is improving a lot.