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(2) customer demand for urgent bags, customized for customer reported fewer plastic bags bargain price of one, while the delivery time requirements more stringent. Years ago, a large number of newly opened businesses, there are many promotional business, eager to use custom plastic bags used for advertising. There are also some other things before opening businesses ready to forget the custom plastic thing this humble child, "only a strong wind" feel good taste ah. Faith for sincere, bags factory customer service for customers to understand it are quoted prices. (3) bags factory customer service "line is not in the post." Because years ago, online sales transactions scaling, other manufacturers could not catch the frequent occurrence of the phenomenon of the printed schedule, call them often to coordinate bags open edition print time, delivery time and other departments child bargain, but delay their proper business, hanging "bail" is not widespread in the post. Printed plastic bags and plastic bags factory == wide mybag8 /, custom bags QQ139 4475 729.Tags: custom plastic bags printed plastic factory