rental leasing company as a sideline. The company is a safe leases for owners, safe advertising space leased to sideline the leasing company. The company is a business students
and has been registered company, all of whom are exclusively for college students. The company's customer base for students within the university campus, the self-employed or around the school and
the school is closely linked companies. Hope Lock Safe Leasing Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive nature of the service company, based on the campus, and gradually moving towards society. You can say it is
already a strong team, full of life, vibrant. My company's total assets amounted to 150,000, an annual turnover of over 50,000 and an annual growth rate of 200%, today's "Hope Lock" is already
beginning to take shape a company is promising "prime of life." However, the "Hope Lock" has gold "abjection" too, has also been "frustrated" over, has also been like a poor and white, floundered
boy. These lonely memories from the summer of 2007 had to talk about ...... a summer two years ago, three members of our team live in a house theft. When they found that the door has been broken, the
room was swept away everything valuable, loss of more than two million.