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talk about plastic bags on the market now, had replaced the former vegetable basket, plastic bags, a very wide range of applications, especially for food packaging plastic bags, in terms of health and safety but also to attract attention. But few people know that plastic bags are generally made ??by the two types of plastic film: one is polyethylene, polypropylene and other raw materials made ??of dense ammonia; Another use is made of PVC. The former non-toxic; latter toxic, not packaged foods. Well, today, plastic products factory in Dongguan Metro bridge for everyone to talk about what plastic is toxic can be used to facilitate the identification of what can actually be a very simple method of identifying: water detection method: put a plastic bag into the water, non-toxic plastic after into the water, can be surfaced; and is not toxic to the floating plastic bags. Hand touch detection method: touch plastic, non-toxic and have a sense of who lubrication; otherwise toxic. Jitter