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smoke, causing tingling and could not open. At this point, you can use a transparent plastic, transparent plastic bag, big or small can use, you can use a large plastic bag covering the entire head and provide sufficient air for escape purposes, if there are no large bags, small plastic can, although not completely covering the head, but can also cover the mouth and nose section, the supply of air to escape required. When using plastic bags, we must fully be completely open, but do not open your mouth to blow, because carbon dioxide is blown into the air, the effect is negative. 25. When the cork fall into the bottle and can not be taken out, it can squeeze the plastic bags into strips, into the bottle, a little more than plugs, but to stay out of the bag, and then put the bottle upside down to make cork into the bottle sports place, and stuck in there, and then carefully pull out the plastic, cork it was brought out. Or blowing into a plastic bag to drum up, then pull out the plastic, cork it was