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help fixed tents. When the wind can also be tied to the tent, and how much can be compared Aeolus harder to strengthen the stability of the tent. 11. When you sit on the wet ground, as the plastic mat on the floor. 12. If you are bitten by a snake in the wild, emergency needs suck out the venom wound, available in plastic bags or plastic wrap covering the wound and then suck, does not affect the quality of its thin sucking efforts, but also to avoid direct contact with oral venom, inside the mouth even more so when the wound. [Several ways to recycle plastic bags] 1. Knee bags do: put a plastic bag tied to the knees, so wipe or do gardening when you can protect the knee. 2. Plastic gloves to do: pets defecate on the outside with a plastic bag when you can pick up the gloves. 3. Plastic chopping board to do: when peeling the relatively clean plastic bag on the kitchen table, clean up from Ali would be more