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, not easily pierce a finger poke, while the poor vest bags and more rough, sticky, no toughness, poke it with your fingers a break. In addition, if conditions permit, the plastic vest bags can also be carried out to identify the combustion. New material vest pocket easily ignited, producing a drop like a candle-like substance in the combustion process, accompanied by the smell of wax; inferior plastic bags not ignite, black smoke in the combustion process, and accompanied by a pungent odor, and this is the pungent smell of burning hazardous substances. Through more than a few aspects of our daily lives can quickly come into contact with food species were identified with a plastic bag, a qualified plastic vest bags containing food can be assured, but as little as possible, inferior plastic bags are never directly installed foods. Three special packaging products to customer-centric company, adhering to the "self-improvement, the pursuit of excellence" spirit of enterprise, adhere efficient,