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Title: Wide and plastic factory tell you: how do dogs eat plastic bags after? _ Beijing plastic production of non-woven bags made ??to order _sujushi
Content: Canton and plastic factory tell you: how do dogs eat plastic bags after? [Original 2013-11-4 0:51:32] Word Count: [custom plastic bags and plastic bag factory in Guang Wen] dog is a human friend, loyal to its owner, docile, like a child dependent on the owner, spoiled naughty , likable, brings to our lives fun and joy. Master and dog intimacy, and even some people call it, when his son, when her daughter raised, some ladies serve it when her husband became a joke. Dogs like to play bite debris, sometimes accidentally eat plastic bags, worry is the master ah! Custom plastic bags and plastic bags factory wide tells you how to do? The first observation of the dog situation, to see if there is no vomiting and diarrhea, if it depends on