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environment damage. The standard is not no good to throw a banana peel that simple. A person microblogging revealed his inner world, because this is his third of an acre, he cynical, to say what it spade. The friends look at the following few words of it, whether the idea of ??his approach? You may wish to express your opinion. I looked out the window to be readily discarded plastic bags floating in the breeze more farther, my mind in a proud feeling. If plastic bags are thrown into the trash, it's in this life will end early after Bahrain. I put it a way out. So who does not know that it will not realize its full potential elsewhere. I do not call it littering, my behavior is simply great dream of flying, at least nobody said it just rubbish, really work instead. Really want to have to throw out a banana peel is also aimed to see if there is more than silly smashes head can slip innocent passers-by in case it is not my ambition. I just want to see the kind of people and especially his mother fucking car