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Title: Plastic bag factory prompts you: Note the effective size of plastic bags produced in the production of non-woven plastic bags _ Beijing's custom _sujushi
Content: Plastic bag factory prompts you: Note plastic bags produced in the effective size [Original 2013-11-3 9:55:54] Word Count: 0 && image.height> 0) {if (image.width> = 700) {this.width = 700; this.height = image.height * 700/image.width;}} "border = 0 alt = see more wonderful pictures src =" photo22.hexun/p/2014/0105 / 519008/b_93C51571FBAC58F948D43B3CB81A8284.jpg "> Bowen Keywords: plastic bag making plant size plastic bag plastic woven bag If you give us the size of the plastic bag factory in error, then it will not be made ??out of plastic bags to use. scrap waste