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and now have become "underground", it seems the rumors came spot checks, does have a deterrent effect. It is involved in industrial and commercial inspection staff revealed that these do not meet national health and safety standards for plastic bags (vest bag manufacturers), mostly sold in the markets, Rice Noodles, fast food shops. Reporters found that, although the state "plastic limit" has been released four years, but the hawkers and the public seems to have fallen on deaf ears, those "three no plastic bags" in the markets, Rice Noodles, fast food restaurants and other retail food store still popular. But experts tell us, so that food daily contact with such plastic bags, is tantamount to taking slow poison. Seized a large number of "toxic" plastic bags on July 3, City of Industry, organized a unified action against the city's use and sale of plastic bags, paper cups, lunch boxes and other products to conduct surprise checks. Seized 560,000 substandard plastic bags (vest bag