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do it. The so-called short-term trading is the shortest day of trading, the day into a day, do not miss the night. Long-term holders of long-term nerve-racking, but short-term trading nights sleep peacefully at night. For possession of a short time, worry and time is short. Of course, the twelve days or a couple of days holding period are classified as short-term trading. The purpose of short-term trading in seeking to stimulate find happiness, they do not succeed, do not try this little purpose. Second, Little technical analysis, one-third and ability, seven by feeling. Little emphasis on the word, learn to understand too much, you can go to when a formal technical analyst, and how to be self-made ??short-term? School for a long time you can learn to repair a toilet, as long as the school one day you can do short-term technical analysis. That what you want to learn? Ten minutes will draw the trend line graph, will use very