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dust, and other features. Plastic bags can be divided into three sides by the bag sealed, the bottom seal, three-dimensional letters and flakes in four categories. 1, side sealing four weeks in sealed bags, front, rear dimensions are finished size, with a certain sense of the overall design unfettered, and front and rear design has a certain coherence. Since being back size consistent, to design the front, so that the back and front echo. When the plate are back to the same set of arrangements on the plate cylinder. 2, the end closure is sealed on the back, front size of the finished size, divided into two equal parts of the back, and the width equal to the width of the front, is generally positive in the design back commenced integrated design and add 1cm around each edge, are back on the same set of drums also. 3, is based on three-dimensional letters in the bottom seal on both sides of the stereo plus side, is back, the same are in the same side of a cylinder on 3 sides. 4, due to the limitations flakes printed material, its positive and negative must be design