Event Fencing Types - Traditional & Display & Picket
Event fencing is a special barrier, it plays an important role in crowd control as well as crowd control barrier. It is different from the general crowd control barrier owing to its material. It is made of PVC materials, so it has excellent UV resistance and good corrosion resistance and good weather resistance.
We are able to provide four types of event fencing, traditional type event fencing, display type event fencing, picket type event fencing and lattice type event fencing, you can choose a suitable one for your application.

EF-1: Traditional type event fencing.
Traditional event fencing
- Materials: UV stabilizer, Titanium Dioxide additive, compounded PVC frame and fittings.
- Locking pins and hardware material: aluminum and stainless steel.
- Length: 6 ft.
- Height: 42 in, 32 in.
- Weight: 27 lbs, 24 lbs.
- Rails spacing: 3.5".
- Distance between bottom rail and ground: 3.5".
- Color: white.

EF-2: Display type event fencing.
Display type event fencing
- Materials: UV stabilizer, Titanium Dioxide additive, compounded PVC frame and fittings.
- Locking pins and hardware material: aluminum and stainless steel.
- Length: 6 ft.
- Height: 42 in.
- Display area panel (H × W): 30" × 20".
- Weight: 32 lbs.
- Rails spacing: 3.5".
- Distance between bottom rail and ground: 3.5".
- Color: white.

EF-3: Picket type event fencing.
Picket type event fencing
- Materials: UV stabilizer, Titanium Dioxide additive, compounded PVC frame and fittings.
- Locking pins and hardware material: aluminum and stainless steel.
- Length: 6 ft.
- Height: 42 in, 32 in.
- Weight: 29 lbs, 24 lbs.
- Rails spacing: 2.25".
- Distance between bottom rail and ground: 3.5".
- Color: white.

EF-4: Lattice type event fencing.
Lattice type event fencing
- Materials: UV stabilizer, Titanium Dioxide additive, compounded PVC frame and fittings.
- Locking pins and hardware material: aluminum and stainless steel.
- Length: 6 ft.
- Height: 42 in, 32 in.
- Weight: 28 lbs, 25 lbs.
- Distance between bottom rail and ground: 3.5".
- Color: white.

EF-5: The panels shock cords are hidden by the decorative caps.
- Durable and good corrosion resistance.
- Shock cords connect the fence panels together.
- Pre-drilled holes at the base legs allow for swiveling without tools.
- Set up in a few minutes and no tools needed.
- Lightweight and attractive appearance.
- Free maintenance and excellent UV resistance.
- Can be used for personal travel.
The event fencing with attractive appearance and excellent UV resistance can be used as a barrier in many conditions. For example, it can be used as barrier at park, coffee shop, exhibition sites and some important occasions. It can also serve as a decorative fence in residential area and public places.

EF-6: Event fencing with attractive appearance can decorate your parks, garden and other public places.

EF-7: Event fencing can be used for personal travel.
Inquiry for Our Product
Hebei Keshi Metal Wire Mesh Co., Ltd.
E-mail: sales@temporaryfencing.org