all playing cards same 21 30, in the table division (two): 10 random cards, a set of two, after multiplying, and dividing. Timing. 31, Wan within a few understanding of: randomly
selected 10 cards, according to ten thousand, one thousand, one hundred, ten, you order, and then let the children read the numbers; or to say a number, let the children be placed. Timing. 32 grams
and kilograms: Big Luetong 19 33, ten thousand less than addition and subtraction (a): random sample of six cards, three constitute a group of numbers, addition and subtraction of two numbers,
timing. 34 Statistics: with 18 35, to find the law: the same 17. playing card China Forum Small III: 36, measurements: a playing card with a ruler measuring the length and width of cards playing
card. 37, addition and subtraction within ten thousand (two): 38 with 33 quadrilateral: Observe knowledge playing card playing card card card has several sides, several angles, in turn covered with
another piece of card playing card playing cards card, to form a parallelogram. 39, more than the number of