custom design playing cards
Title: [KOE - Zhu Jia] playing card transactions and Texas have in common? _KOE Zhu Zhu Jia Jia's _KOE
Contents: [KOE - Zhu Jia] and Texas playing card transactions have in common? [Original 2014-3-10 14:57:02] Word Count: Many great traders, are mentioned in the book of Texas playing card, So
yesterday I took advantage of relatively idle, but also learn to play a bit, quite harvest. Write down the experience to share with you. Since I was the initial contact with this game, the game is
still far from understanding certainly is not in place, but the purpose of writing experience because aroused my sympathy for many of the transactions in the course of the game. 1, in Texas playing
card game, you lose the chips removed pumped into the casino, and the rest are in the winner's pocket. In the transaction, from a long term perspective, you lose money, get rid of fees, in the
winner's pocket. Just