Intended Use:
The Strip Test Kit is a rapid Lateral flow assay designed to detect beta-lactam and Tetracylines antibiotic residuesin raw commingled cow’s milk.This test is designed for rapid field use for kinds of enterprises,testing institutions,supervision department.
This Kit is used for rapid qualitative analysis of beta lactams in Milk sample
3.Composition of kits or component:
4.Limit of Detection:
Negative Sample (-):T line(T1) signal intensity is stronger than or the same as the signal at the C-line indicates a negative result; T line(T2) signal intensity is stronger than or the same as the signal at the C-line indicates a negative result;
Positive Sample (+):Signal at T line(T1) is equal or less intense compared to the C-line indicates a positive result.signal at T line(T2) is equal or less intense compared to the C line indicates a positive result.
Invalid results:
The test is invalid if no colored line appears in the C-line area even if a colored line apprears in the T-Line area. Re-test sample if broken lines are observed.
Storage and Expiry date:
Technical Service Contact Information
Phone: +86-10-81187003 Fax: +86-10-81187003-657
mobil phone:0086-17801226522