ZF Reducer
Well-proven ZF technology for mixer trucks
The ECOMIX I range of hydrostatic transmissions is part of the well-proven technology from ZF.
It facilitates economical and low-maintenance operation of mixer trucks, even under the highest stresses.
The compact and space-saving transmissions are characterised by their high power density and a long service life.
● Compact design, low weight
● High operational reliability
● Easy intallation and service-friendly
● Environmentally friendly and low-noise operation
The new drum drive for mixer trucks from ZF
The new ECOMIX II transmission for mixer trucks is up to 40 percent smaller and 25 percent lighter in comparison to the predecessor model.
This gives vehicle manufacturers more free space for the design and also simplifies insallation.
Due to the enormous ruggedness of the bearing it has been possible to significantly increase the load rating, leading to less sensitivity in terrain.
In addition, fuel consumption and life cyle costs have been reduced.
● Compact and rugged construction
● Quieter running and increasing ride comfort due to mechanical decoupling of the drum and vehicle
● Installation angle (up to 20 degrees) irrespective of the size and filling of the mixer drum
● oil-filled for life
● Maintenance-friendly