Synthetic Blood Penetration Resistance Tester is applicable to the resistance of the protective clothing to the synthetic blood penetration under different levels of test
Applicable Standards:
ASTM F1670;
ASTM F1671;
ASTM F903;
ISO 16603;
ISO 16604;
GB 19082;
YY/T 0689;
YY/T 0700;
Touch screen control panel with English interface.
Pre-setting pressure for synthetic blood.
Stainless steel sample holder provides solid sample holding.
Protective clothing blood penetration testing machine
working principle:
Under constant pressure, the synthetic blood was tested on the protective clothing material, and the penetration of blood was synthesized on the visual inspection material.
Sample preparation:
In the sample of each protective suit, 3 pieces (75*75) mm are randomly selected. When conducting the experiment on the composite or multi-layer materials, the edges should be sealed and
the diameter shoud be kepted greater than 57mm for testing.