The series is lab analytical instruments commonly used in factories, mines, hospitals, schools and research institutions , one can be used generally in the visible region of the chemical colorimetric analysis tests. If increase 0.5A, 1A, 1.5A extinction of any one piece can be used in high levels colorimetric determination.
Large number of applications of such devices is the most reliable, most popular models, is listed as a variety of testing procedures and textbook standard instrument.
The series has automatic light doors, localized gain adjustment, stable and reliable circuit, T, A direct read, easy to operate.
Instrument consists of a light source lamp, adjustable voltage, monochromatic device, cuvette mount, optical tube cassette (electronic amplifier), stable voltage equipment and power transformers and other components. Optical section adopts self-aligned optical path, a single-beam method, a tungsten incandescent lamp as the light source.
III.The main technical indicators:
1. Wavelength range: 360nm ~ 800nm
2. Wavelength Maximum error: ± 3nm (360nm ~ 600nm), ± 5nm (600nm ~ 700nm), ± 6nm (700nm ~ 800nm)
3. Surface scale: Transmittance range 0 ~ 100% (T)
4. Absorbance: 0 ~ 2 (A)
5. Receiving surface: GD-7-type photocell
6. Light Lamp: 12V/25W
7. Power supply: AC220V ± 22V, 50Hz ± 1Hz