CAT O1010-V
CAS NO. 1609937-15-6
Product Name Mambalgin 1
Purity > 98%
Form/State Lyophilized powder
Solubility Soluble in water
Molecular weight 6554.5 Da
Molecular formula C272H429N85O84S10
Source Synthetic peptide
Storage Shipped at room temperature. The product as supplied can be stored intact at room temperature for several weeks. For longer periods, it should be stored at -20°C.
Storage of solutions Up to two weeks at 4°C or three months at -20°C.
Sequence LKCYQHGKVVTCHRDMKFCYHNTGMPFRNLKLILQGCSSSCSETENNKCCSTDRCNK(Disulfide bonds between Cys4-Cys37, Cys6-Cys30, and Cys20-Cys38)