Proper handling of laboratory waste collection can protect laboratory staff, facility staff (such as cleaners) and external parties from pollution risks. Volatile hazardous vapor of chemical waste
discharged from laboratory instruments can easily contaminate laboratory environment, it would cause serious air pollution to laboratory if overflow, and cause health problems to lab personnel.
RayKol liquid lab waste bucket provides safe transport and disposal of hazardous liquids for automated lab equipment. This liquid waste container can efficiently filter harmful vapor and contains
liquid level alarm to prevent liquid waste leakage.
Inductive liquid level alarm to prevent leakage
Vapor filter, reduce 99% solvent volatilization
3 sizes available for selection
Simple and clear solvent lines
Parameter Specification
Container capacity 10L 20L
Container Material HDPE HDPE
Dimension 210mm x 210mm x 320mm 260mm x 260mm x 380mm
Cap diameter 45mm 60mm
If you want to know more kinds of automated systems in a lab environment, please visit our website.