Cassie Sweet Absolute oil is distilled from the flowers. This absolute oil is employed in preparation of violet bouquets and is extensively used in European perfumery. A deliciously scented
essential oil, it has a fragrance of violets. A mature plant 10 years old can yield 9 kg of flowers each year. In a suitable climate, the trees begin to flower from their third year. The perfume is
extracted from the flowers in form of concrete or pomade.
Macerated flowers are placed in melted purified natural fat and allowed to stand for several hours. They are then replaced by fresh flowers and the process repeated until the fat is saturated
with perfume. The fat is then melted, strained and cooled. Absolute is prepared by mixing pomade with alcohol and allowed to stand for 3-4 weeks at about -5°C. The alcohol is then separated and
distilled over. The extract obtained is an olive-green liquid with strong odor of Cassie flowers. The bark and the fruit are a source of tannin and used in making dyes and inks. The seedpods contain
about 23% tannin. A gummy substance obtained from the young pods is used to mend pottery.