Gandhi Automations India’s No.1 Entrance Automation and Loading Bay Equipment Company offers a wide range of automated sliding gates suitable to be installed on any industrial, commercial or residential premises. Gandhi Automations is the only manufacturer of gates in India certified to ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System by TUV Nord. This has resulted in the implementation of continuous improvement in personnel training, production, inspection, equipment calibration, machinery maintenance, logistics and customer relations. Gandhi designed and fabricated gates ensure high tensile strength and durability. These gates are not only aesthetically pleasing, but sturdy and perfectly aligned. The pre-tensioning of the gate leaf construction reduces the risk of bending. The components used to fabricate the gates enhance the efficiency and life span of the gate. The leaf design is available in a standard form or custom made to suit individual clients' requirements.
Sliding gates require flexible automations capable of managing different frame dimensions, different types of duty and different environmental conditions, always ensuring maximum operational safety, functioning and reliability. The models for automatic sliding gates weigh from 300 kg to 18,000 kg. MPS startup of the automation at maximum power permits the motor to overcome initial friction caused by ice, dust, etc. Internal thermal switch protects motor and advance electronic control unit permits various operations like time adjustment, partial opening, automatic closing, step by step control, stop safety, reverse safety etc. Sliding Gate is also equipped with obstacle detection which causes the gate movement to stop if an obstacle is detected during its motion. In the event of power failure Gandhi gates can also be operated manually. A consistent quality product, thus becomes the hallmark of Gandhi Automations' manufacturing process right from installation to after sales service.
For further details contact
Gandhi Automations Pvt Ltd
2nd Floor, Chawda Commercial Centre
Link Road, Malad (West) Mumbai – 400064, India.
Off : +91-22- 66720200 / 66720300 (200 lines)
Fax : +91-22-66720201
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