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"bopp tape fruits and vegetables" or toxic rope tied safer - bopp tape, fruits and vegetables, food safety -
"bopp tape fruits and vegetables" or toxic rope tied safer food.2013 year at 14:36 on September 11 Source: Ningxia Daily T | T [Food Network] buy fruits and vegetables are often labeling or
wrapped bopp tape, this phenomenon consumers are not familiar with. But who noticed the little label also marvelous, had to prevent. Recently, Lingwu City of Industry, Bureau of fruit and vegetable
dealers within the jurisdiction of the future may not be carried out in the fruit on special rectification action, check involving 21 dealers, four fruit and vegetable shop on the spot ordered the
bopp tape bundled vegetables and fruits off the shelf, and ask labeling, and marketing of vegetables should be used or the use of qualified rope tied plastic bags. Law enforcement officials told
reporters that some of the fruit and vegetable market operating businesses in order to facilitate the consumers to buy all kinds of vegetables often tied into a bundle with bopp tape, consumers can
choose a lot or a little to suit your needs. And some fruit in order to show its good fruit color, the infor