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Throw poisonous bopp tape "Supermarket detail" evolution - Toxic bopp tape - Cleaning Industry -
Throw poisonous bopp tape "Supermarket detail" evolution clean.2013 year at 08:51 on March 25 Source: Chongqing Business Daily T | T some small details of life, often harmful
to human health. The reporter had conducted unannounced visits to local supermarkets, found that the situation with bopp tape directly tied vegetables are very common, and many people do not know,
after the bopp tape residue on the vegetables being ingested will affect human health (newspaper March 21 Japan has done reports). For several days, reporters investigation again, the main city of
the range found many supermarkets have improved, no longer directly tied with bopp tape vegetables. March 21, the newspaper reported, "supermarket vegetables caution bopp tape tied toxic residue"
has aroused strong repercussions in the micro-Bo, was reprinted several well-known media microblogging. From March 22, the reporter again visited the major supermarkets, found that many
supermarkets have made improvements. In two supermarkets nearby stores reporter guanyinqiao was found tied up with bopp