Cards, badges, badge, medals, key ring, badge, cap clip, wallet, medals, coins, craft signs, cufflinks, photo frames, mobile phone strap, tie clips, belt, tag, bottle opener
and other workers
Art jewelry and a variety of metal plate, a metal plate and several different categories of various metal plate products.
???????Common metal plate production mainly metal flat sun signs, metal printing plate, metal corrosion signs, metal plating and metal electroforming nameplate, metal signs and
metal sandblasting thermal transfer label.
Epoxy signs manual
Epoxy plate manual operation is different from Epoxy plate machining (For more see "Epoxy signage Operating Procedures"), to distinguish between specific request from for
1, the first ready for all kinds of substrates, such as: nameplates, badges, medals, etc. into the oven preheating temperature requirement of 60 degrees, the purpose of the
removal of surface moisture.
2, the substrate was placed flat dehumidified consistent level of console board waiting drip.
3. The amount, take a clean beaker, accurate measurement, the B component, a 2: 1 weight ratio of mixing evenly (must be mixed, otherwise there will be sticky and with the
substrate surface
Delamination phenomenon, the manufacturers of the products are the same to do this. ) (Note: the proportion of the manufacturers are not the same, as the case may be).
4, and then with a good mixture into a vacuum oven, open real pump, removing bubbles mix in a vacuum.
5, take in the clean needle, the needle after defoaming Shuijingjiao suction tube, then measure and drip evenly in the prepared substrate (ie: signs, trademarks, etc.) of the
surface, the general Shuijingjiao
Material:Metal,Aluminum,Anodized Aluminum,Brass,Stainless Steel,Polycarbonate,Polyester,Vinyl.