Stops the squeaking noise of V-Belt. Lubrication for door locks, hinges, chains, etc
High quality Spindle Oil VG 10 & 22 meets IS 493 1981 (PART II) (Reaffirmed 1993) Bulk, 210, & 50 Ltr. High quality Spindle Oil used in high-speed textile spindles for all general-purpose spindles for various non-critical applications.
9919 SYNOLEC All-Climate Gear Lubricant Specially formulated heavy-duty, 100% synthetic enclosed gear lubricant. Engineered to meet severe operating conditions. Specially formulated heavy-duty synthetic gear lubricant for industrial and automotive applications.
Yellow 310-340 BLACK 400-430 BLACK 240-270 Metal, plastic gear lubrication - Reduction gear - Various bearing - Parts required high-load and wear resistance
High temperature lubricating grease formulated with high quality Ester fluid High temperature lubricating grease formulated with high quality Ester fluid, select polymers, and an inorganic thickener system. The synthetic ester fluid withstands high temperatures and provides outst
Penetrate to rope core, keep rope clean not affected Wire Rope Lube 4K Penetrate to rope core, keep rope clean not affected by mild acid salt & alkali environments.
ATF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID ATF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUIDDEXRON III - FORD MERCON Selected high quality base oil blends with scientific modern additives. HVI over 210
High performance fully synthetic motor oil with superb engine protection and top-notch lubrication performance. API SL/CFILSAC GF-3ACEA A1-98ACEA A3-98CORVETTEVIPER
Shell 2T 2 STROKE OILShell 2TShell 2T PURE 2T JASO FB/API TC Approved for use in 2 and 3 wheeler of Bajaj Auto Ltd. and recommended as a general purpose oil for 2 stroke scooters, mopeds, motorcycles and 3 wheelers Pack sizes; 500ml, 1 litre
Falcon Super Marine Oil X30, X40 SAE Grade 30, 40 FALCON Super Marine Oil X30, X40 is a blend of superior quality paraffinic base stock and advanced technology additive package. It is mildly alkaline marine engine oil having suitable qualities of detergent-dispersant demulsibilit
HATCOL 3306 Hatcol 3306 is a pure polyol ester refrigeration lubricant basestock based on pentaerythritol mixed fatty acids esters
Engine Oil delivers the latest development in lubricating Engine Oil delivers the latest development in lubricating oil technology to maximize the highest API SM performance level and exceeds most demanding requirements in relation to modern engine's emission control as well as o
Type Compressor Oil Type Compressor Oil SL-889 Is a high quality synthetic fluid based on premium dibasic-acid-ester base stocks SL-889 Is a high quality synthetic fluid based on premium dibasic-acid-ester base stocks and formulated to provide superior oxidative and thermal stabi
ACCESS 3000 - API SG - SAE 20W50 Product Name ACCESS 3000 - API SG - SAE 20W50. (WHITE BOTTLE, SECOND HIGH PIC). Types Multigrade, Premium Engine Lubricant, uses for 04 stroke gasoline engines. Manufactured under ZAMA (USA) advanced technology, fully protects 04 key operating z
A general purpose soluble cutting oil designed to provide good cooling effect to general cutting process ULTRASPEED SOLUBLE CUTTING OIL Description A general purpose soluble cutting oil designed to provide good cooling effect to general cutting process and also give optimum prote
This is a blended product with highly refined base stocks and additive packages Specifications This is a blended product with highly refined base stocks and additive packages to use in automotive diesel engines of moderate duty service.
AP - 3 is multifunctional long life grease meeting requirements of automotive vehicles and industrial plant including ball and AP - 3 is multifunctional long life grease meeting requirements of automotive vehicles and industrial plant including ball and roller bearings and electr
PERFORMANCE API SH/CD G4-PD2 Formulated with paraffinic base stocks coupled with a performance oriented additive package. Contains high viscosity and recommended for year-round use. Also contains special additives for LPG engines. Provides superb oxidation and corrosion protectio
Sar-Pet Petroleum Marketing and transportation Limited Company