Wild Dog Traps

Wild dogs or known as dingoes, have been considered as pest animals in many places for their damage to domestic livestock and economic cost. In some areas where wild dogs are rampant, farmers or land managers are forced to reduce sheep holdings or substitute them for cattle. This

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 09:01:23 ]

Rabbit Traps

Have your garden broken by wild rabbits? Have you thought of driving them away from your house? Rabbit is a common enemy and pest animal for garden plants. They can eat flowers and vegetables, damaging trees and shrubs by clipping their stems, buds and small braces and by girdlin

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 09:00:56 ]

Possum Trap

Possums are a small to medium-sized critter about 2-3 long and 4-15 lbs weight. Their family has long snouts and narrow brains. They like to dig up plant roots and take them into garbage cans. Possum traps are made of galvanized wire to extend life span. Plastic coated traps are

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 09:00:30 ]

Feral Cat Traps

Feral cats have been headaches to many people and city for their huge population and damage to property and environments. Our feral cat traps have been proven effective methods to deal with feral cat problems. Sturdy wire mesh, sensitive trigger system and secure release design c

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 08:59:52 ]

Raccoon Traps

Raccoons are very curious, smart and somewhat sociable animals. They are about 12 high and weight from 15 - 48 pounds. They are easily recognized for their distinctive coloration and ringed tails. Raccoon humane traps have been the No.1 destroyer of garden vegetables. Watermelon,

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 08:59:24 ]

Squirrel Traps

Squirrel traps are humane and effective alternatives for squirrel controlling. Our squirrel humane trap comes into a variety of sizes and types. Compared with competitors on the market, our squirrel cage trap has smaller mesh opening for securing yourself during transporting the

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 08:59:02 ]

Rat Traps

Rats have super capability of adapting, surviving and thriving. They have ranked the second place of mammalian species on earth today. Their huge population makes great threats to human beingsh ealth, agriculture and food safety. A huge percentage of agriculture produce and food

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 08:58:39 ]

Large Animal Traps

Large animal traps are ideal for trapping dogs, foxes, groundhogs, beavers, bobcats, feral cats, possums, armadillos and similar size animals. It is proven an effective weapon to catch troubling animals around your property which disturbs your regular life and make damage to your

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 08:58:11 ]

Medium-sized Animal Traps

Unlike small animal trap, medium-sized animal trap can successfully catch large squirrels, skunks, mink, wild rabbits, possums and other medium-size animals. What is more, it still has good performance in trapping small animals. Animal traps on market are galvanized to extend dur

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 08:56:49 ]

Small Animal Traps

Small animal traps are particularly designed for catching small-sized nuisance animals including small squirrels, small rabbits, mice, rats, small skunks, mink, and other small critters. Four different sizes are supplied and each has its own superiority and feature in trapping ta

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd.      [2013-10-08 08:56:22 ]

Single ring and stem plant supports for sunflower and daisy

支持单环和干厂 单环和保护花干厂技术支持 这枚戒指厂的支持是涂塑钢丝,镀锌或不锈钢的茎和一个开放的环组成。 谨慎支持植物在开花。 一个环和单杆支持 解决各种约束条件,除了以适应广泛的植物。 设在

Greeny plant supports company      [2013-10-08 08:50:54 ]

Spiral Plant Support - expanded twist, flat spiral rings supports

螺旋管厂支持攀援植物提供最佳支持 PVC涂层的黑工厂支持螺旋 螺旋 螺旋支持广泛用于攀爬植物卷须,豆,铁线莲,甜豌豆,黄瓜。 这也是完美 支持西红柿 。 植物生长沿螺旋自由,没必要绑在一起。 颜色 :绿

Greeny plant supports company      [2013-10-08 08:50:09 ]

Flower Links plant supports for flower, shrubs and vegetables

Flower Links - all-purpose linking stakes plant supports Flower link plant supports The L-shaped flower support is a flexible structure, a plurality of links can be combined in many different shapes and lengths to provide support for the plants. The plug joint and extensible supp

Greeny plant supports company      [2013-10-08 08:48:01 ]

Grow through plant supports super perfect for heavy head flower

Grow Through plant support - Flower Frame Grids Support Grow Through plant support consists of two parts - wire mesh grid and legs. It is used to support the head of the plant - flower or fruit. Attach the grid mesh at the start of the season so that it grows through the mesh. It

Greeny plant supports company      [2013-10-08 08:47:19 ]

Garden hoops plant support is perfect for twining-climbing plants

花园箍厂支持由绿色PVC和镀锌铁丝 花园由两个箍箍厂支持 两个篮球创建了一个篮球植物攀援植物,如甜豌豆支持。 花园箍厂配套提供所有缠绕植物,如西红柿,黄瓜,和铁线莲的最佳条件。 规范 材质:镀锌铁

Greeny plant supports company      [2013-10-08 08:46:05 ]

Garden border plant supports for plants along a wall or pathway

边境工厂的支持 是一个离散的植物,在花园路的支持。 花园路径仍然可以访问,而不是隐藏或弄脏悬垂灌木,从而顺利滑。 弓厂支持 - 半圆支持 - 半圆形支撑环 花园边界厂支持,两个钢腿和一个半圆是一个稳定

Greeny plant supports company      [2013-10-08 08:44:47 ]

Full-round plant support adjustable with hinge and one leg support

Full-round plant support - one or two legs for flowers and shrubs Full-round Plant Support with two legs Full-round Plant Support with two legs is adjustable with hinge, you can use it according your flower need. It is widely used for rose, peonies, clematis and ivy, also suitabl

Greeny plant supports company      [2013-10-08 08:43:03 ]

Tomato support - to get excellent tomatoes harvest

番茄支持不同形状供您选择 番茄笼支持 镀锌或PVC钢丝网 - 为了获得优良的番茄收获 这些坚固的的番茄笼子里支持的赛季后。 铰链是用来配置面板以不同的方式,无论是封闭的方形或菱形,开平板网格或锯齿形或

Greeny plant supports company      [2013-10-08 08:40:25 ]

Shrimp Trap

Have you thought of catching shrimps with your own hands on the weekend? Have you imagined the picture of your family enjoying delicious shrimps? This heavy duty shrimp trap gives you the right ticket. This shrimp trap is characterized by four funnels for easy entrance and a jumb

Robust Lobster Trap Co., Ltd.      [2013-09-27 10:58:49 ]

Round Shrimp Trap

Round shrimp trap features 3-funnel entrances, built-in Round shrimp trap Huge bait cage and top-opening door. Black vinyl coated wire provides outstanding capacity of resisting corrosion and rust in sea water. Compared with rectangular traps, round shrimp traps have unexceptiona

Robust Lobster Trap Co., Ltd.      [2013-09-27 10:58:24 ]