Total Access 1500 EBS COT 1180430L1 Dual circuit COT P-phone access module for the Total Access 1500. This card is used in universal configurations
Total Access 1500 Quad FXO UVG/MLT 1180407L1 Quad circuit COT POTS access module for the Total Access 1500, Supports MLT.
Total Access 1500 FT1 DP 1180405L1 Single Circuit FT1 DP.
Total Access 1500 EBSRT 1180431L1 Dual circuit RT P-phone access module for the Total Access 1500, This card is used in both integrated and universal configurations
Total Access 1500 Dual Coin COT 1180432L1 Dual circuit coin access module for the Total Access 1500. This card is used in universal configurations.
Total Access 1500 Quad FXS POTS Module 1180408L1 Plain Old Telephone Service. Remote terminal unit. Supports MLT.
Total Access 1500 AM TAM Streaker card for testing continuity of all Total Access 1500 access module loop interfaces
Total Access 1500 Dual DS0 DP with SMAS Total Access 1500 Dual DS0 DP with SMAS
Total Access 1500 Total Reach DDS-DP with Preferred Option Total Access 1500 Total Reach DDS-DP with Preferred Option